Currency Exchange in Perusa
Are you looking for the best exchange rate in Perusa?
If you are looking for a currency exchange house or kiosk in Perusa, you are in the right place. Feel free the compare the different exchange rates and get the most money from your transaction. Always try to look for the best money exchange, but also consider to seek those exchange kiosks nearby.
Map of currency exchange shops and kiosks in Perusa
Where can I change money in Perusa??? Before visiting any of these exchange kiosks in Perusa, make sure to contact them beforehand and double check todays exchange rates and hours of operation. Also, take into account that some ATMs and banks can also exchange or give you local money but it is very often, they only work with existing customers.
Contact Details
Via F. Baracca, 5, 06128 Perugia PG, Italy
Banca Monte Dei Paschi Di Siena - Perugia Agenzia Sede
Via XX Settembre, 77, 06124 Perugia PG, Italy
+39 075 50301
Deutsche Bank
M., Via M. Angeloni, 68, 06124 Perugia PG, Italy
+39 075 502541
Via M. Angeloni, 76, 06124 Perugia PG, Italy
+39 075 908 0600
UBI Banca Agenzia di Perugia
Via della Pescara, 06124 Perugia PG, Italy
Banca Marche
Piazza Piccinino, 9, 06122 Perugia PG, Italy
+39 075 572 4445
Banca Monte Dei Paschi Di Siena
Piazza Italia, 17, 06123 Perugia PG, Italy
+39 075 56841
Banca Marche
Via M. Angeloni, 49, 06124 Perugia PG, Italy
+39 075 500 3219
Banca Monte Dei Paschi Di Siena
Via Maria Alinda Bonacci Brunamonti, 47, 06122 Perugia PG, Italy
+39 075 540 3711
Unipol Banca Spa
Via M. Angeloni, 78, 06124 Perugia PG, Italy
+39 075 500 4742
IBL Banca Spa - Filiale
Via Martiri dei Lager, 50, 06128 Perugia PG, Italy
+39 075 506341
Via Eugubina, 48, 06122 Perugia PG, Italy
+39 075 908 0604
Credem Banca
Via del Macello, 63, 06128 Perugia PG, Italy
+39 075 500 4111
Deutsche Bank Easy
Via XX Settembre, 47/C, 06121 Perugia PG, Italy
+39 075 544781
Banca Carige Spa
Via Sicilia, 33, 06128 Perugia PG, Italy
+39 075 506 3311
BANCA POPOLARE DI SPOLETO - chiusura cassa dalle 15:30
C, Via Francesco Briganti, 69, 06127 Perugia PG, Italy
+39 075 501 1218
Crédit Agricole Cariparma
Via della Quintana, 41, 06129 Perugia PG, Italy
+39 075 599 0602
Via Armando Diaz, 102, 06128 Perugia PG, Italy
+39 075 500 6046
Banca Nazionale del Lavoro
Via Settevalli, 7, 06124 Perugia PG, Italy
+39 06 0060
BNL Gruppo BNP Paribas
Piazza Italia, 13, 06121 Perugia PG, Italy
+39 06 0060
Reference Exchange Rates
🇨🇦 Canadian Dollars
1 EUR = 1.47 CAD
🇲🇽 Mexican Pesos
1 EUR = 21.23 MXN
🇯🇵 Japanese Yen
1 EUR = 156.88 JPY
🇨🇴 Colombian Pesos
1 EUR = 4,291.46 COP
🇦🇺 Australian Dollars
1 EUR = 1.64 AUD
🇰🇷 Korean Won
1 EUR = 1497.01 KRW
🇬🇧 Pounds
1 EUR = 0.84 GBP
🇧🇷 Brazilian Reales
1 EUR = 6.00 BRL
🇨🇷 Colones
1 EUR = 529.02 CRC
Last Update: 13 minutes ago
FAQs for travelers
Which exchange house has the best rate to exchange foreign currency in Perusa?
Since there are many options, we cannot tell the best exchange rate. Why? It depends. It is important to see the exchange rate and that changes every day. Also some currency exchange house give the best rate but they do charge you a fee, so at the end is not the best idea.
We suggest you to before choosing any currency exchange house just cause its foreign exchange rate, also check if there are any extra feeds, any minimum, if they are well located, etc. With all those details in the table, you can choose the best foreign currency exchange house in Perusa.
Should I exchange currency before going to Perusa?
If you can, it would be great to get some EUR Euros before arriving to Perusa. Check on nearby currency exchange house if they do have EUR Euros to buy. This will help you to get to Perusa and have some cash to move around (e.g. pay taxi or give a tip) until you settle and choose where to exchange more money or use an ATM.
I am traveling from abroad, can I use foreign currency in Perusa?
The short answer is "it depends". There are some restaurants, coffee shops, etc. that will not receive foreign currency, only EUR Euros. An international credit card could be handy on these situations. Of course, areas related to turism or big malls and plazas receive and exchange foreign currency with no problems at all.
Is it better to withdraw money abroad at any ATM or exchange in a currency exchange kiosk?
You need to check with your bank. Some banks do not charge you any extra fee if you withdraw money in a foreign country. Other charge a huge fee. So before withdrawing any money abroad, check with your bank.
How can I exchange currency without fees or taxes?
It depends on the currency exchange house. Some charge you a fee for the service of exchanging money and others add that fee to the exchange rate. So basically you need to do the math and see if really exchanging money on a currency house makes sense for you or not.
Is it cheaper to get foreign currency at home or abroad?
Usually at home, but it also depends on the currency. If you are traveling to a small country where its currency is not worldwide available, it will be very costly to get it around (some times impossible)
Is it better to use cash or an international credit card in Perusa?
In these case, the credit card is your best friend. But also take into account, that you will need some cash. There are some expenses where cash is required.